Moderator Asif Noorani with author Pran Neville. PHOTO: EXPRESS
ISLAMABAD: Even the most argumentative of sisters would come together when a nice song plays on the radio and perhaps tap their feet or do a little dance. Same is the story of India and Pakistan.
Cinema, music and literature have always transcended the borders between the neighboring countries and instigated in citizens, a love and curiosity for artists from the ‘other’ side.
This love was rightly displayed as Pakistani newspaper and TV writer Asif Noorani chatted with seasoned author, former diplomat and Pakistan’s most sincere lover Pran Nevile.
His novel, Lahore – a sentimental journey, highlights the heartache felt by those who had to leave their homes breaking all bonds of love (for the people and for their city) to transfer to a place that they were supposed to now call home.
But Pran Neville’s love for Pakistan never grew ever more as he turned his heartache to art and wrote numerous works of literature.
At 92 years, Pran’s passion for art beams through his eyes as he astutely recalls stories of his favorite musicians namely Malika Noor Jehan, O P Nayyar, Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bhonsle.
The conversation was a nostalgic road down memory lane as both art enthusiasts humorously discussed Indian and Pakistani cinema, music and literature instigating laughs and awe from audiences.
Asif Noorani asked Pran Nevile, if given the choice what would he be born as in another lifetime? To which Nevile said, “The only thing I’d ask God is to give me birth in Lahore, I’d find my way from there.”